The Islamic Society of ACT is pleased to announce that we are starting a new series of programs that will run during the week. The first of these will be a course called Ahkam Altajweed (Rules of Tajweed).
Those who attend this course will Inshallah learn how the correctly recite the Holy Quran. Many of us come from non-Arabic speaking backgrounds and as a result inadvertently mispronounce some parts of the Holy Quran. It is incredibly important to learn to recite the book of Allah correctly. Mispronunciation can even result in changing the meaning of what is being said. Some of the difficulty can be attributed to the accents that we have in our speech and the fact that some sounds do not even exist in our mother tongues.
This course will start right at the beginning with the Makharij and Sifat, where the student will learn exactly from where in the mouth and oral cavity each letter is supposed to come from and their characteristics. This will greatly help students with even the strongest accents to correctly recite the Holy Quran as they will be able to focus on how each sound is to be constructed. Once the Makharij and Sifat are mastered the course will progress through the numerous rules of Tajweed
The course will be held weekly, every Wednesday night at the Masjid after Isha prayer. First day will be Wednesday, 24 April 2013.
Please register your interest by sending an Email to, using the Feedback Form or contacting any member of the Executive Committee (see Contact Us page).
Course Title: Ahkam Altajweed (Rules of Tajweed)
Teacher: Br. Mohammed R. Al Shawwa
Date: Every Wednesday, starting 24 April 2013
Time: After Isha
Location: Canberra Mosque, 130 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla
Website: Ahkam Altajweed Course
Registration: Send an Email to, use the Feedback Form or contact a member of the Executive Committee (see Contact Us page).
Organised by the Islamic Society of Australian Capital Territory (ISACT).