Assalam’alaykum Brothers and Sisters.
The Canberra Masjid is now open in a limited capacity. There will be no scheduled daily congregational services held at the Masjid at this stage though. Please read below for the arrangements being availed inshaAllah until further notice:
• There will be no scheduled Jumu’ah (Friday) or other daily congregational prayers (jama’ah) held at the Masjid until further notice.
• The inside courtyard and the outdoor shade of the Masjid are accessible for the worshippers to pray at and hold jama’ah amongst themselves.
• No more than 20 worshippers are permitted at the Masjid for instances other than funerals.
• Physical distancing and hygiene measures are to be observed whilst at the Masjid where possible.
• The doors may be locked once the capacity of 20 is reached inside.
• The Masjid’s general opening hours are between 5.30am – 7.30pm, though there may be no access for much of this period.
• The Masjid may be inaccessible at times of the day when no authorised person is available to monitor safety and compliance of the 20-person rule, or for security reasons.
We humbly seek your co-operation and understanding in the administration of the above arrangements. Please keep safe and observe all appropriate health precautions, and continue to keep in touch via social media for the latest developments.
Jazakumullahu khairan
Executive Committee – Islamic Society of ACT (ISACT)